Black Salt

(1 customer review)


Ritual Black Salt created with dead sea salt, other special ingredients and ritual fires of banishment and protection. Best and most commonly used during the waning moon.


Living people can be difficult enough, but we also need to protect ourselves from the unliving. There are tricksters and deviants who don’t all wish to give you a magical experience or special messages and many ” spiritual deaths” and possessions of the living are due to working without vigilant protection.


Black Salt can be used in a variety of ways and I’m not one to tell you how to do your work, but these are some common examples:

πŸ–€ Keep in a little bag under your pillow to negate bad dreams, ward unwanted watchers or spirits.
πŸ–€ Cast a line across your doorways and windows to keep out evil, avoid unwanted company, and deflect slander or jealousy back to the source.
πŸ–€ Add a bit to floor washes to cleanse your home, front walkway, or ritual area of negativity.
πŸ–€ Add to bath water when you are feeling especially depressed, angry or negative.
πŸ–€ Keep a bit on your person against your skin, in your desk, or taped under your chair at work or school to deflect gossips, bullies, rude coworkers, and bad bosses attention. Keep in a bowl or tiny cloth pouch.
πŸ–€ Sprinkle in an enemy’s yard, office, or footsteps so that they will want to leave or move.
πŸ–€ Banishing spells and candle magic


Black Salt can be messy and can stain fabric. Use with caution near clothing and furniture. Do Not Ingest – This salt is not meant for consumption. For novelty use only.
4 Ounce Jar with sparse clear quartz included.

1 in stock


1 review for Black Salt

  1. Rachele Smith

    Absolutely love everything I ever bought off you. This black salt is amazing also!!!!

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