Organic Mugwort


Mugwort is a classic dreamtime herb used by herbalists since ancient times to help enliven and protect their dreamspace. Mugwort is also commonly used in tandem with other practices to help elucidate lucid dreaming. This has been found to be effective by many herbalists to induce vivid dreams and even, at times, induce prophetic dreams as well. Mugwort can intensify the dreaming process, including both the pleasant and unpleasant dreams.
A popular traditional method to incorporate mugwort into your herbal dreamtime routine is to sew the dried leaves and flowers into a small “dream pillow.” This can then be placed under your regular pillow and the aroma and energetics of the herb alone are believed to help promote lucid dreaming, calm the mind, and protect yourself from experiencing bad dreams. Mugwort can also be blended into an herbal tea formula and enjoyed before bed although it does carry a distinctly bitter flavor that is best blended with other herbs. Another traditional preparation of mugwort is to burn it and use the smoke to purify and protect your dreamspace . This practice can be particularly helpful if you are prone to experiencing bad dreams.

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