

Zodiac is my handcrafted Goat Milk Soap that is a wonderful blend of Frankincense and Myrrh, Patchouli and powdery Sandalwood. If you are old enough, you might recognize this smells just like walking into an old time occult shop with rows and rows of resins and herbs, books and incense.   Bars over 5 oz.

“As you climb a long torturous path up the mountain with the frigid desert night air sapping the strength from your bones, you at last see the dark shape of an unlit stone building at the summit. an angry voice hisses at you as you approach “put out the light, it obscures the majesty of the stars” snuffing your torch, you walk into a room lit only by a small lamp with a red silk frame around it. as your eyes adjust to the dim interior, you see the twisted and decrepit form of a withered old man – a Magi, a seer, a star-gazer. His angry glare turns into a crooked smile as you produce the frankincense and myrrh from your bag, the customary payment for his services. “now, child, what did you come here to ask the stars?”



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